Midshipman rank in the Navy is equal to which rank in the army? A) Capitan B) 2nd Lieutenant C) Colonel D) None of these
Which Central Asian Country has the largest reserves of oil? A) Kyrgyzstan B) Kazakhstan C) Uzbekistan D) None of these
The process of applying zinc coating to iron is called? A) Smelting B) Galvanizing C) Sweltering D) None of these
Which part of the computer is used for the transfer of data? A) Physical part B) Software parts C) Both A & B D) None of these
The official language of Jammu and Kashmir is? A) Kashmiri B) Urdu C) Urdu and Hindi D) None of these
Which is the largest library in Pakistan? A) National Library Islamabad B) Punjab Public Library C) Quaid-e-Azam D) None of these
He lived ….. Model Town ….. Lahore? A) at at B) in at C) of at D) None of these Detail He lives in Model Town in Lahore.