To convert Word file into PDF file which of the following command is used? A) Save as B) New Document C) Click Edit D) None of these
Military commander of Sultan Abdul Hameed was? A) Kamal Pasha B) Sarwat ud Din C) Hassan Pasha D) None of these
Iberian Peninsula Muslim forced conversion to Christianity: A) Ethnicity B) Conversos C) Moriscos D) None of these
Who stood against Akbar Deen-i-llahi? A) Khawaja Baki Billah B) Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi C) Aurangzeb D) None of these
Queen Khizran was the wife of: A) Kousar B) Al Mehdi C) Al Ateeb D) None of these Detail Al-Khayzuran bint Atta was the wife of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mahdi and mother of both Caliphs Al-Hadi and Harun al-Rashid. She ruled from 775 to 789 during the reign of her husband and sons and is known for her immense influence on state affairs