Bachal is three times as old as his son today. Five years ago, he was four times as old as his son. How old is Bachal today?

A) 35 years

B) 40 years

C) 45 years

D) 50 years

Let us assume that the father’s age is x and the son’s age is y.

According to the question, a father is now three times as old as his son,

so, x = 3y

five years before their ages would have been, x-5 and y-5. And the question says the father was four times as old as his son,

x-5 = 4( y -5)

x-5= 4y -20

x-4y + 15 = 0

3y – 4y + 15 =0 , we already know x = 3y

y = 15 and x = 45

The father is presently 45 and the son is 15